Friday, June 13, 2014

Oregon Carp Searching

Carp fishing has been pretty tough for me lately with they Spawn n all, but I was able to FINALLY find a few places where they weren't spawning which took a while.

This little one still had more energy to jump out of my hands
Caught this nice Squawfish that bent my fishing pole in half
A fat 17 lber
I had to post this pic because of that fat stomach. Been seeing fat stomachs lately, not including my own...
I give this small fish TONS OF RESPECT. He ran probably half a football field giving the illusion of some sort of train. He was hands down stronger than the 17 lber and the 18 lber. (I think he was like 12 lbs?)
18 lber. Both the 17 and the 18 didn't know they were even hooked for half the fight. 

Here's the video clips:

Here is a link to my Ebay Listing for my Igquick Rigs. They are hair rig style rigs that I've been changing up for 3 years with success, and they are specifically suitable for doughbait and bread.

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